Many motorists go to the dealership looking specifically for four wheel drive cars. But, do you really understand why four wheel drive capability can be advantageous compared to two wheel drive? There are actually some advantages both ways and the important thing you need to consider is what you are going to use your vehicle for and what benefits are most important.
Four wheel drive cars come in all shapes and sizes. Many people think of sports utility vehicles or trucks when they think about vehicles that have 4 wheel drive capabilities. However, there are smaller cars that do come with the ability to move between the two.
Power and safety are often the benefits that people expect when they buy vehicles with this capability. The more powerful driving capabilities make off-road driving, harsh weather driving, and other situations where power and performance are important, more manageable. Safety is another reason many people seek out this capability. Tyres are an important safety component of a vehicle since they maintain your car's grip with the road. Many people feel safer if all four of their car's tyres are actively involved in its movement versus two wheel drive where two cars pull the other two along for the ride.
One potential drawback is that four wheel drive cars often cost more money to drive. Because of the increased engine and motor requirements to use a four-wheel drive vehicle, fuel costs and maintenance expenses can be greater. Many SUVs and off-road vehicles have very low miles per gallon, especially in-town when there is no momentum helping to push them forward.
Another thing to consider when contemplating whether this type of vehicle is right for you is the car insurance issue. Buying car insurance includes an assessment of the expense to repair and cover your car and its parts. Typically, the greater the risk to the insurance provider, the higher your premium costs. Because four wheel drive autos are usually more expensive to maintain and are often more cumbersome to service, the insurance might be a bit more. There are usually opportunities to find reasonably cheap car insurance, though, for four wheel drive cars if you are diligent in looking.
There are advantages and disadvantages that come with any type of vehicle. The important thing is to talk with a car dealer or do your homework to figure out what type of car is best for your driving needs. Do you need something that offers power and performance but may sacrifice fuel efficiency? Or, would you rather have something fuel efficient that may lack in power and performance off-road or in rough climates? Obviously, the answer depends on where you live and what your preferences are.
Remember these key questions in deciding whether four wheel drive cars are the right fit for you:
- Are you using your car for adventure?
- Do you live in an area with rough climate and weather conditions?
- Are you okay investing a little more in maintenance to get four wheel drive capability?